Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that uses the insertion of thin and sterile needles in various depths to different acupuncture points in the skin at certain anatomical locations. It is also related to the use of heat and pressure in the same points. It is the process of stimulating the nervous system to activate hormones that regulate the body’s internal function to encourage the body to feel less pain and heal itself.
The history of acupuncture can be traced down to more than 2,500 years ago. The practice of acupuncture revolves in a Chinese theory of energy flow called Qi (pronounced as CHEE). For the body to function well, Qi must flow spontaneously through energy pathways called meridians where the acupuncture points are located. Diseases are believed to be caused by the disruption of the energy flow and acupuncture needles unblock the disruption that corrects the imbalance in the flow of energy.
Modern science in Western societies explains that the insertion of needles in the specific points allows the body’s neurological component to release substancesin the muscles, spinal cord, and brain that will put the body’s natural painkillers into action and increase blood flow.
There are some considerations to be taken first before engaging in an acupuncture session to avoid health and body complications.
First, you must make sure that you are a fit candidate for an acupuncture treatment. You must also consult your doctor first if you are uncertain. According to Mayo Clinic, if you have, or are currently in the following situations or conditions, you are discouraged to undergo acupuncture:
- Bleeding disorders and the need to take blood thinners. There is a high chance of bruises, bleeding, and soreness once the needles penetrate your skin.
- Acupuncture is the process of stimulation and there are some types that will trigger labor that will increase the risk of premature birth.
- The operations of this device may be disrupted due to the mild electrical pulses that the needles make upon contact with the acupuncture points.
Next,you must look for certified practitioners that are skilled in the field of acupuncture.You interview them for their experiences, credentials, and how they perform acupuncture sessions. For recommendations, you must ask from trusted people. Acupuncture is considered safe when performed properly. The risks like infections, soreness, and organ damages are more likely the result of improper acupuncture procedures by an incompetent practitioner.
Acupuncture has many benefits and fewer risks. At ShoppersGreed, there are many books that will help you learn more and study about acupuncture and acupressure. Order now at
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